7-18-12: 85% Squat and Bench
8x275 with belt
5x225 with wrist wraps
23x135 close grip (3 rep PR)
Medial Delt Work
About 15-25 mins worth
Rear Delt destroyer
25x35 lbs drop setted to 12x25
Decent training session, I messed up my neck grappling in kempo on Monday so that was irritating me the whole day, and my entire back and both legs were sore, especially the lower back and traps, from deadlifts on Monday. My buddy had an appointment at 11:30, so we had to go to the gym at 10:00 AM, and I got up at 9:00 AM, so I was also very tired, just in general did not feel very good going to the gym today. Despite that though I managed to get in a decent workout.
Squat form felt slightly off but my buddy said I kept my arch, so I'll take his word for it. I need to start bringing my camera to the gym more often though so I can see for myself. Bench form also felt a little off, I don't think it's because of the oly shoes or anything, but just because my neck was bothering me, back were sore, and legs were pumped from squats, so I couldn't get locked in as well as normal. I'll have to get used to it though because that's the condition in PL meets, leg stiffness from squats. I was planning on doing 3x5x85% on both lifts today but we didn't have time, so I just pushed the top set on squats to 8 reps, then did a close grip burn out set at the end of bench. Didn't go to failure on anything, but 9 reps on 275 squat, 6 reps on 225 bench, and 24 reps on 135 CG bench would have all been questionable, so I stopped 1-2 short of potential failure. Was really winded at this point, mostly because I'd just woken up and didn't have much food in me, so I didn't do rows like I"d planned, didn't have any energy left for compound movements, so I just experimented with some lateral delt work I saw in a thread by Diamonddelts on BB.com, then did a rear delt destroyer drop set.
Not the most productive day but still decent, and my shoulders got a good pump, might make some all right gains from today, or at least maintain what I have, until my next training session this Sunday, since I'm going to be out of town from tonight until late on friday night.