That post workout regimen sounds good, but make sure to take the V12 one hour in advance before you start working out with some fruit juce like grape juice. Also take half the dose of V12 pre workout and then the other half post workout. Once your muscles are saturated with creatine (aka the loading phase) your body can only use about 5-7g of creatine a day. The rest you will just excrete and you will be wasting your money. So I would suggest 3.5g before and 3.5g after, or if your too lazy to measure that amount, just have 5g pre and 5g post workout. Also drink a lot of water (1.5 gallons a day) especially if you drink coffee or take any form of caffeine at the same time. If you don't take the creatine 1 hour before your workout your body will not utilize it during your workout and will basically just use is for the following days workout, and this would basically be equivalent to taking 10g of V12 post workout.