I have only done HIIT twice so far, but planning to do it 3 times a week. I've been stretching thouroughly before warming up for 5 minutes at a normal jogging pace, then starting intervals of 1 minute with 30 seconds sprinting, and thirty seconds jogging. I can only get two intervals in before I feel like passing out from the effort. I can't tell if I'm doing to much warm-up time on the track or maybe I'm going a bit to hard on the sprints. It could be that I'm really just incredibly out of shape or not used to the effort that sprinting demands. I never was a bigger distance runner but I could normally bust out a 20 minute run and not feel bad afterwards. Now I can barely finish my 2 intervals and feel like colapsing. A big part of my question revolves around the effort and speed exersion to put into the sprinting part of the interval. I can easily jog at 50-60% and find that medium pace, but when it comes to the sprinting I feel like I'm pushing at 100% or damn close and find it much harder to hit a 85-90% range of maximum effort. Any suggestions or experience would be appreciated.