Zyglamail EF MOD Moderator Platinum EF VIP Yesterday at 9:42 PM #151 A lot of times the sauces and these condiments are real killers. They can ruin a healthy meal.
Shrine Chairman of Board Chairman Member Yesterday at 9:48 PM #152 Careful with spicy food. If you have IBS or things like Chrome or something, it can really mess you up big time and you don't want that.
Careful with spicy food. If you have IBS or things like Chrome or something, it can really mess you up big time and you don't want that.
caligirl85 Head Mod Elite Moderator Yesterday at 9:52 PM #153 I would make your own sauce or your own marinade. Tomato sauce is no good way too. Acidity in the stomach.
I would make your own sauce or your own marinade. Tomato sauce is no good way too. Acidity in the stomach.
zedhed Elite Moderator Elite Moderator Chairman Member Yesterday at 9:56 PM #154 You can always just spray some lemon on your food. It always makes it taste good.