28-Oct-2001 (Day 1)
Feel EXTREMELY fat and flabby today. I am going to go for extreme fat-loss the next few months and try and cheat as LITTLE as humanly possible. We'll see how things go. Wish me luck! Today I weighed
223 lbs. before my workout, fully clothed etc. Need to get down to around 200-205 lbs.
15 minutes treadmill - 3.5 MPH @ 15% incline + 15 minutes stationery bike - level 4 postworkout.
M1- peppered beef jerkey
M2- tuna salad with oil & vinegar dressing
M3- (postworkout) 20g whey protein, 50g simple sugars (dextrose + maltodextrin combo)
M4- turkey breast
None today.. felt good overall.
Around 7.5 hours sleep last night. Really not enough to be honest and didnt sleep too well. I am going to be supplementing with GNC's Sleep Formula to ensure deep sleep.
Good multi-vitamin 2x today, 1g vitamin C 3x today. 1 - Adipokinetix, 1 - T2, 15 mg. ephedra, 200 mg. caffeine stack 3x today. 10g creatine + 5g glutamine postworkout with 50g dextrose & maltodextrin combo, along with 3g arginine, and 300 mg. ALA postworkout as well. Finally GNC's Sleep Formula 30 minutes before bed.
Training. Back, Traps, Biceps, Forearms.
wide-grip front chins (bodyweight) 11x10
bentover overhand ez-bar rows 180x8; 180x8
bentover underhand ez-bar rows 200x8; 200x8
partial deadlifts 350x7; 350x7
dumbbell shrugs 90x8; 90x8
dynamic barbell shrugs 205x7; 205x7
close-grip barbell preacher curls 110x7; 110x6
incline alt. zottman curls 35x8; 35x7
standing reverse barbell curls 85x8; 85x7
one-arm chin-bar hangs (bodyweight) :15; :13; :13
(giant set)
seated bb wrist curls 85x40; 85x35
close-grip reverse ez-bar wrist curls 55x30; 55x25
plate curls 2(10s)x15; 2(10s)x15
dumbbell towel holds 70x:20; 70x:20
Training Length.
Workout lasted around 60 minutes. Pretty long but ended up hitting a lot of muscle groups for one workout session.
Training Comments.
GREAT overall workout.. really hammering my lats and rhomboids hard with pull-ups really hit failure on those. Chins were definitely tough. Bentover rows were intense but I really didnt go heavy enough. I need to increase the weight a lot on the overhand rows at least. Reverse-grip rows hit my lats really hard. Partial deads were INTENSE- I used chalk on my hands but they still were taxing on my grip and really hammered my back and traps all the way!! Db shrugs tore up my traps completely along with dynamic shrugs. Dynamic shrugs are a GREAT overall exercise for the traps. Both middle and upper traps were hit hard. Really hammered biceps HARD with preachers along with zottman curls. Really hit outer biceps and upper forearms hard with zottman curls. Reverse curls hit brachialis & upper forearms all the way.. hangs from the chin-bar were INTENSE. Really hammered forearms HARD with giant set also. Plate curls and towel hangs were VERY intense!! Fingers, hands, and forearms were all EXAUSTED.
Took in a very good amount all day long need to keep it up.