Don't like your diet.
First of all, check out Mr. X's articles and learn about the glycemic index of carbs. Swole Cat has great diet plans as well if you got the $$$. Try something like this- an example for one day -
Meal 1 - turkey breast on pumpernickel bread or bagel w/non - fat mayo. One scop whey protein powder. 1 tbs flax seed oil.
Meal 2 - (Let's say post-workout as my 2nd meal usually is) N large shake (only time I recomend this)
Meal 3 - (1-1/2 - 2hours later) 96% lean ground beef on whole wheat Quesadilla and onther on a low-carb quesa, w/taco sauce and non-fat shreded cheddar cheese.
Meal 4 - Chicken breast and natural PB on pumpernickel bread.
Meal 5 - 1 yam, 2 - 99% fat free turkey burgers w/ mustard and low carb ketchup (No bun) 1 tbs flax seed oil.
Meal 6 - whey, egg, cassien blend protein shake, 1 tbs flax seed oil.
You can throw green veggies and a salad into the mix in there if you like as well. You can vary the foods, this is just one example day. You can vary the amounts of carbs, fats amd protein to cater to your caloric needs. This is a day where you're training with weights. I'd change it up on days you don't workout to less carbs and fat. Lean Mass Matrix is a solid MRP if you wanna throw it into the mix as well.