This is sweet, check it out.
Here are my lifts:
Deadlift 175
Squat 245 (140% of deads)
Bench 195 (110% of deads)
BB Row 140 (80% of deads)
Military Pr 95 (55% of deads)
So at the weight I'm doing with all my other exercises, I just figured out I should be deadlifting about 260 to catch up with my other lifts. Cuz then my percentages would look more like the average:
Deadlift 260
Squat 245 (94% of deads)
Bench 195 (75% of deads)
BB Row 140 (55% of deads)
Military Pr 95 (40% of deads)
BTW keep submitting, I'll keep adding to the spreadsheet and then I'll post it online once I have 20 or so.