I started the Jillian Michaels series and during it, it called with using little weights (i used 3 pounds) dumbells with high reps. I dranked Body Fortress Whey protein shakes afterwards and before bed as a snack, now my arms have more muscle mass than I wanted. I would be ok with it if there was also an increase in mass in my butt, legs, quads, ham's, etc. but it seems to have loss mass and fat so now I'm bigger up top than on bottom and seem to be more muscle up top than bottom. I believe this is because her series only use body weight (squats, lunges, bridge, etc.) for lower body toning but use actual dumb bell free weight for bicep, tricep curls, etc. Can anyone tell me how I can get rid of some of this muscle in my arms without losing any more muscle in my legs, glutes, hams, etc.?