Aly, I've dined out with several (which was several more than enough vegetarians, one bveing an ex-stepsister) and I work in the food service industry. So I think I know a little bit more about what goes on in restaurants than you do. So don't even try and tell me that I don't know what goes down in restaurant kitchens and the front of house. There are quite a number of vegetarians, who will go out of their way to give the whole restaurant crew a problem, with their frivolus and ridiculous demands and substitutions. It's as if they expect the whole line to just stop and work their ass off to omit things from this appetizer, obliterate an entree into a new creation, etc... It serves to slow the whole service down, which affects other diners meals as well.
I'm not making blanket stereotypes here, but instead just making objective observations about 'most' vegetarians\vegans.' You are not most, are you? You are an individial, or at least I'd like to beleive that, so plrease stop countering my arguments with. "Well, I don't do that or I don't crave meatr so that can't be true about others." That's called denial and it ends up with you being the one who's stereotyping your own subvulture. Perhaps you just don't dine out on your own or with many other non-meat eaters, so you don;t see or fail to realize hoe rude, difficult and arrogant a large majortiy are, cause that is very well the case.
This is by no means a flame against you. Just my opionion on the vast majortiy of vegetarians, with their holier than thou mentality. You don;t beleive in killing and eating animals, that's cool. But don't fopr a second pull that hype about how much healtheir it is for you, cause that's just not the case. Hoe many latrge, muscular vegetarians do you see? They exist, but are far and few in between. And stop using Pearl as an example, cause out of all the bodybuilders of that time, he was the only one who reached the upper ecelon of the sport and no doubt, genetic played a huge role in overcoming his dieting flaws. How many Olympia contenders do we have in the present who are vegetarians? Uh, zero, so there is definitely a positive correlation there. Because it is a flaw to follow a vegetarian diet, if you want to maximize muscular gains, unless maybe perhaps you consume loads of milk derived protein sources on a daily basis, which can get too repetetive and tedious over time and still may not maximize possible results.