Aky, you want me to prove the fact that most vegetarians xrave meat? That was a generalized statemtn, not an overgeneralized one, hence UI used the word majority and not 'all.' you don't crave meat, good for you. But if you have an objective bone in your body and aren't blindsisded by your beleifs you'll see that the all these soy products you find that are veggie friendly look like meat, are shaped like meat, share a bad version of a similar taste and texture of meat, etc... Are you going to tell me that these products are not prevalent in vegan restaurants and health food markets. Unless your blind you've obviously noticed.
And I do beleive vegetarians can build a good physique as long as their lacto-ovo vegetarians and consume dairy products as their staple protein souce as opposed to soy. I actually like soy, but I eat it the way it was supposed to be eaten for centuries by the Japanese, then Chinese and Koreans. Most vegetarian have never even tried asiian versions of soy products, cause they don't look like a burger patty or a cheap imitation of a hot dog.
So, I have no problem with vegetarians as long as they keep their beleifs and opinions to between themselves and don't give a hassle to people in the food service industry, thinking they owe them some special treatment. Like I already stated previously, if you're so anal don't dine out at regular restaurants and expect the cooks to meet some ridiculous demands that I have heard vegetarian demand, like cooking their food in pans, which have never had meat in them, etc... Whatever?! If you have that type of abrasiveness, then I hope they do cook your food in lots of lard. If you're not a not pompous asshole, who doesn't think you're vegetarian beleifs make you superior to the majority who make up meat-eaters, then I have np problem with that.