smallmovesal said:look, i've been on elite since feb of 2001 and i didn't register until march... i think i freaking know what i'm doing. i read the women's board every day even if i don't post on it.
who are you to judge what i do and do not know about as use and the risks, or assume that because i make a joke i'm somehow unconcerned with what i put in my body? who said i was some kind of poster girl? to quote arnold, "my body my decision"...
i "appreciate" your concern, but if you don't mind, your thoughts are not necessary or wanted because they are so incredibly hostile. thanks for sharing and caring though.
this is why i wasn't going to post about my cycle on the board. some of the people here think that there is some specific amount of years that allows one to join the "as club".
i was an athlete all my life so don't act like this is the first time i've looked at a weight or been in shape before.
Hey Smalls...
I hope that givent hat this stuff that you were afraid was gonig to happen did, you go ahead and post about your cycle ofr us newbies who haven't yet joined the "AS Club..."

I mean jeez, it's not like she's shooting whole grams of halo directly into her clit or something. We have plenty of other women here whose first cycle was deca or winny that they took because their bf told them to. Smalls has like 10,000 posts on this board. She has done a fair amount of reading too, I think. We got other people on other threads on this board doing G, for crying out loud, with less of a hullabaloo than this. Not that I'm flaming the G people, I'm just saying, on the scale of things...
Can we de-escalate this? Do India and Pakistan have to go to war?