Personally experiencing Ipam for last 2.5 days.... First pin, no issues. Ate at 40 minutes post inject cause I didnt have strips. Waited til next morning for 2nd pin. No feeling of hypo. Ate anyways 40 min post inject(11 am). Went to the store to get strips that afternoon (yesterday @ 6:30) and suddenly i started to have a major blood sugar crash while driving for no apparent reason. On the way to get strips so I couldnt test. Fortunatley I had a couple glucose tabs and it cured it. Got home, tested and was 98.
Ate shortley after (venison) then 25 min post meal I started to feel hypo!! What the fuck... checked and it was 75!!
Since the crash while driving I had a wierd fuzzy head feeling and a nausea type thing all night til bed. This morning did not inject still feel a little funny head wise. Glucose was 85 a few min ago.
On an interesting note....I have changed nothing...even ate a bunch of cheese last night I shouldnt have and I have lost 3 lb in 2 days. I didnt even go to the gym yesterday. Havnt gone to the bathroom any more or less...but still 3 lb in 2 days. Im sure its water but still...