Tuesday, the 4 of July, 2006
Happy Birthday America...
Morning Weight: not today...
Is this b/c you didn't weigh yourself or ya just don't wanna tell me ?... Lets ass-u-me the latter ... It's fun to track b/c some people can get so hung up on that # ... as you can see by my example, (of tracking 'for fun' & not crying about it)
Morning Cardio:
3 Quarters, constant HR of 132-140, basic LSD day...
My dang HR monitor bites ... Polar ... think I paid about 2 ... I do NOT trust the machine ones & use for emergency purposes only ... I was full elephant sprint on tread 30 second all I could take ... off cycle my HR was at 110 LMFAO ... more like 210
15 minutes Eliptical
15 minutes Stationary bike
15 minutes HillIntervals on ArcTrainer
I this thing ... seriously ... , HR popped up to 150 at one point..
Food and Supps:
Daily Supps
A basic listing, some will vary according to diet, but mostly the same day to day, for now...
Two Cardio Breeze, 2x/Day
3 Sublingual B-12
YES on Face, abs, handles, chest and ass, once or twice/day
2 pumps AIFM, site rotates per application, On rising and bedtime
Glucorell R, as needed
Sesapure, 3-6 per day, depending on cals and willpowa.... hey hey hey live like you mean it but poppin gluc & sesa like pez re for SPECIAL occasions ....
4 Levorex, 3x/Day
4 GreenTea, 3x/Day
2 Trex, 3x/Day
2 Neurogenix, 3x/Day
Oxycalm, 3x/Day
2 Tylers LiverDetox, 3x/Day
1 TripleChlorophyl, 2x/Day Did you ever tell me why this?
1 Tyr2, 3x/Day
2 AlCar, 3x/Day
Glucosamine/Chondroitin mix from GNC, 3x/Day
1 GNC Mega Mens Performance Pack
Basic Meals:
Pretty much the same damn thing for more than a few days coming, too much to do to mess... different flavor agents, but basicly the same deal across the board... edit: added an apple and a atkins berry bar to that, about 200 cals, same ratios, or very close...
5L so far...
Chest and Bis:
Incline HammerStrength: 90 for 8, 180 for 8, 270 for 8, 270 for 6
Decline HammerStrength: 180 for 8, 270 for 8, 320 for 6
Cable CrossOvers: 60/side for 12, 80/side for 8, 90/side for 8, 100/side for 6
Straight bar curls: 55 for 12, 85 for 8, 105 for 8
Reverse grip EZ bar curls: three sets with 25lb plates, 12, 10, 10
Cross body hammer curls: 25s for 12, 40s for 10, 50s for 6
^^^ If your focus progressive sets with the first set being more of a warm up? At times ... I get these major Adreno boosts and feel like (i.e. 90 for 8) was tough without compromising form, then say eff it, I'm doubling it, that crack out 8 more, then again say wtf, I want more ... and keep increasing until you hit 4 sets total (usually my breaking point b4 ADD moves me along... ) ? Just curious if that ever happens