Tues, the 27th of June, 2006
Rained like a mofo... again...
Morning Weight: 223.5....
Morning Cardio and Core:
35 minutes HillIntervals on ArcTrainer, sweat fest as per usual.
Food and Supps:
Daily Supps
A basic listing, some will vary according to diet, but mostly the same day to day, for now...
Two Cardio Breeze, 2x/Day
3 Sublingual B-12
YES on Face, abs, handles, chest and ass, once or twice/day
2 pumps AIFM, site rotates per application, On rising and bedtime
Glucorell R, as needed
Sesapure, 3-6 per day, depending on cals and willpowa....
4 Levorex, 3x/Day
4 GreenTea, 3x/Day
2 Trex, 3x/Day
2 Neurogenix, 3x/Day
Oxycalm, 3x/Day
2 Tylers LiverDetox, 3x/Day
1 TripleChlorophyl, 2x/Day
1 Tyr2, 3x/Day
2 AlCar, 3x/Day
Glucosamine/Chondroitin mix from GNC, 3x/Day
1 GNC Mega Mens Performance Pack
Basic Meals:
Two meals of One turkey cutlet, one turkey snausage, spinaca, broc and cauli, no cal dressing and assorted Tabascos
Chicken Breast with red curry and no fat vinnegrette, cauliflower and baby spinach
One bowl of Heart to Heart cereal today, munched like a snack
One bowl of GoLean with water.
3 Snacks of an apple, one gala, one fuji and one granny smith, all with an Atkins tripple berry bar...
two bowls of cereal with dried orange rind and cinamon, with water.
One Coffee Frappucino Light with two shots, with sugar free hazelnut... like a desert built on love...
3L thus far
Feeling sluggish, really cant seem to pony up to the high rep thing on so little sleep, but needed to train non the less, so it was quick and moderately heavy... WAY better than not at all....
Chest n tris:
Incline DBs: 65s for 12, 95s for 12, 110s for 7
Decline HammerStrength: 90 for 12, 180 for 12, 270 for 9
Cable CrossOvers, statics of 1 second at apex: 50 for 12, 80 for 12, 90 for 8
Bare Knuckles Push ups: 3 sets, 20, 15, 14
DB PressUps, standing: 65 for 12, 90 for 8, 100 for 8
Strict DB kickbacks: 25 for 12, 30 for 12, 35 for 10