During the three years I have been lifting I have been able to get much stronger, but not necessarily much heavier. I am about 5'9 so I figure the lightest I could competitively compete (Collegiate) would be at 165 lbs. Below that, and I imagine the shorter stockier men would clearly dominate. My lifts are respectable (for me, not you ) - around 800 total.. but certainly not competitive. As everybody knows training for mass and training for strength are two different things. I currently weigh around 145 (yes, your mother is probably tougher than me.. ). Should I focus first on mass (reps around 6-8 for 3 sets) and hope the strength comes with it.. or focus more on strength (higher sets with lower reps). To be honest, I don't see myself putting on 20 lbs unless I switch over to a bodybuilding type of program. Sorry this is so long.. any help would really be appreciated. One way or another, I will crack 1000 in 6 months. Peace.