go by the mirror if your burning fat building muscle ok... if your getting fat then cut down the calories if your getting lean but not building muscle up the calories some...
no two people are alike hence no two people are gonna get the same results off the same diet.You gonna have to experiment over the next few weeks and see for yourself..
you have the base diet set your gonna have to tweak it some to find out whats works for you..
if your building and burning and your just hungry but dont want to get fat by upping calories then use filler foods such as a large salads some low calories veggies to help curb the hunger with out upping alot of calories as snack when you get hungry as long as you already met the other needs like protien fats and carbs,you alos would be surprised how alot of people mistake hunger for just being thirsty and can drink 2-3 glasses of water and the hunger goesa away for a hour or so untill its time for the next meal .when your eating every 3-4 hours like you should then getting hungry happens faster but the next meals comes quick so you wont be hungry for long...
some guys can dial in quick and know what they need how much and not need
some guys never figure it out and always look like chit.