a friend of mine got me some decca and dball and i'm not exactly sure how much I should take. He says 1cc of decca a week (1 shot a week) for 2 weeks, then 1.5 cc for 2 weeks, etc working up to 2.5cc per week for 2 weeks then working back down. as the dball goes its 10mg so he said 3every day for 2 weeks then working up to 8 per day for 2 weeks then working back down. everytime I look at the forum posts as to how much decca I should take, it is in mgs which I am not sure because they came in sex lubricant packages and have about 5.5 cc per packet when I draw it out with a needle. please help because i have all this good stuff and i am not sure my friend knows what he is talking about...