Dirk Howat
New member
.courtneybcca said:Leg day modifications:
Super sets
I do this after phase II.
But you may do it all the time. Supersets enable you to further focus and priortize muscle development.
I am a guy so I have my shit down and am going for a different look.
I might reccomend for a chick
1. Leg extension. They build your quad perfect symetrically because think: how do you flex your muscle? Just as a leg extension. Therefore, it is the number one quad exercise.
I would seriously only do this and after a set do some lungs. High rep lungs would work your slow twitch muscle fibers.
If you lower quads are sub par, try Hack squats. Try different leg placement inorder to determin what you are building, working. This is the top leg exercise because it builds my lower quads w/o building my glutes. I use a seperate glute machine for them.
I would 86 everything else. The leg press machine is a macro movement which works your hamstrings as well. IMO, if your legs do not look good from the side, besides doing leg curls, you may want to add leg press sets.
I actually work hamstrings with quads. If your hamstrings are weaker or you want to build them up first, start with the hamstring exercises.
I use Westside powerlifting techniques. If you use those techniques for a chick do more Speed days instead of Power days if you want to keep the mass down.
Power Day
Leg Extensions
5 reps
2 reps
2 reps
2 reps
2 reps
1 rep
1 rep until you hit failure, you may want to get up to partials.
Gradually build the weight up until you hit failure
Same style with Lunges. If your lower quads are weak, or just try out different foot placements, low, wide, high, narrow, and if you find a placement that hits your legs exactly like you want to, add in Hack Squats with the same set style.
So you superset the most import exercise first, with the second best exercise. The next time you work your legs, you may feel that Hack Squats or Lunges is more important, i.e. you want to hit that part of your quads, you then do that exercise first.
Week 1:
Leg Extensions/Lunges
Week 2: You feel that you need more mass so:
Hack Squats/Leg Extensions
Week 3: You think that your legs are getting to big:
Lunges/Leg Extensions.
This is the basic principle of my bodybuilding system.
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