Hi Bros.........
My friend whos a pro is 'vin a state level competition comin up on Nov 21st, say if he wins this it will be his third title in a row, and he's bustin his ass for it and frankly his life depends on this.
He'd started a cycle on Deca/Equipoise/DBol at 198lbs few weeks back...refer to 'THE ULTIMATE STACK' at the site
Its the 3rd week running and the questions are...
Observe in the cycle the last 3 weeks doesnt have DBol and thats when he expects to start cuttin down.....
***To start with is this the right cycle? What more can we add at the end of the cycle to water out?
***Is creatine advisable during cutting cycle? If yes when for best results, before or after workout?
***Are ANIMAL CUTS good enough for competition? What else can be recommended?
Any help will go a long long way bros.................very much appreciated.
My friend whos a pro is 'vin a state level competition comin up on Nov 21st, say if he wins this it will be his third title in a row, and he's bustin his ass for it and frankly his life depends on this.
He'd started a cycle on Deca/Equipoise/DBol at 198lbs few weeks back...refer to 'THE ULTIMATE STACK' at the site
Its the 3rd week running and the questions are...
Observe in the cycle the last 3 weeks doesnt have DBol and thats when he expects to start cuttin down.....
***To start with is this the right cycle? What more can we add at the end of the cycle to water out?
***Is creatine advisable during cutting cycle? If yes when for best results, before or after workout?
***Are ANIMAL CUTS good enough for competition? What else can be recommended?
Any help will go a long long way bros.................very much appreciated.