im planing a offseason diet, doing ckd macros on non training days.
on training days my macros will be 40% protein, 30% fat and 30% carbs.
ánd on non training days ill do something like 50% protein, 45% fat and 5% carbs, or under 30 g of carbs.
ill be 15% over my daily maintnance every day, even on the ckd days so on the ckd day the fat will be pretty high.
would this be a good idea or would it completly backfire.
give your thoughts guys and girls.
on training days my macros will be 40% protein, 30% fat and 30% carbs.
ánd on non training days ill do something like 50% protein, 45% fat and 5% carbs, or under 30 g of carbs.
ill be 15% over my daily maintnance every day, even on the ckd days so on the ckd day the fat will be pretty high.
would this be a good idea or would it completly backfire.
give your thoughts guys and girls.