bran987 said:
yeah I'm only 5'6" 160 lbs. 15-16% BF
Ok, first Jen, what I meant is that there are 2 ways of creating the deficit:
1. reduce caloric intake, which will eventually backfire if you drop cals too much.
2. Increase activity levels
I feel that for Bran to eat at 1600 cals that will backfire, so he should increase to the 1800 range and increase the activity level to create the deficit.
Now, back to the numbers.
what I would do in your case Bro is:
1.833 Kcal
45% 206 gr Prot
25% 115 gr Carb
30% 61 gr Fat
2.226 Kcal
195 gr Prot 35%
278 gr Carb 50%
37 gr Fat 15%
Implement carb-tapering during the day (if you work out at nights, it is ok to have THOSE PWO carbs in the evening).
My recommendation for a PWO shake to you are:
40 gr Prot (whey Isolate)
40 gr Carb ===> 20 gr Dextrose
20 gr Maltodextrin
750ml water (take half inmediately after the work out, the rest some 30 mins afterward).
Training wise, you can do as you want, 5 days split, 3 days split, etc... in my experience, I have the best results by training legs once a week, and then a 2 days split, repeated twice, so it looks like this:
Sun: Legs
Mon-Thu: Back, Biceps, Traps, Forearms
Tue-Fri: Chest, Triceps, Delts
I throw abs on Mon-Wed-Fri. Notice this schedule is actually matched to the diet, so you will be training large muscle groups on the days you have your carb-up days.
The idea of not training only once a week is that since you are dieting , you will lack the strenght to train the muscles hard enough to grant them 1 week pause... I always felt "under-utilized" when training only once a week.
for cardio, here is the catch... 45 min 6 times a week @ 75-85% MHR
Before you all blast me into oblivion, this is what I do and what I have followed for the past 9 months... this has been my recept to drop 50 lbs in 5 months, 60 in 7 months and 65 in 9 months... (after a bulking pause).
Notice that the food is kept at a relative sane level, relying on the insane cardio schedule to create the deficit.
take it or leave it Bro, this is my opinion, based on what I know worked and works for me and others (ask MM107 for non-biased results)