New member
Well Irish, what I got from your post was that you thought that rarely any injuries were severe enough to stop competing at a lift, and if you did, you obviously didn't have the balls to be a powerlifter. I didn't post anything before you made the statement about the injuries RARELY being enough to stop you. When you told me that I should play chess, because I didn't have the balls for powelifting, YOU STARTED TALKING ABOUT ME. I agree that if it's possible, STRONGESTSURVIVE should make a comeback, it's obviously possible, and I encourage him. My patellar tendon rupture isn't the only injury I deal with. I've got a ruptured bicep, 2 torn rotator cuffs, and a torn-up cervical spine - but that's not enough to stop me from benching big enough numbers (right now) to make it on the PL USA Top 100 and Top 20 masters lists. Don't talk to me about pain and balls. Everybody in this sport goes through pain.