This is one great post!!! It's so nice to know I'm not the only one feeling "nutty" and "bitchy".
I started getting really painful periods and very heavy bleeding a few years ago. I have been on so many different pills and they all seemed to either make my face break out horribly (even Ortho) or I felt like I was gaining alot of weight. My gyno basically told me that the pill does NOT make you gain weight, you know what after reading these threads I realize I was right he was wrong. I had a laproscoprosy (sp?) and they only found a cyst no endo whatsoever but I was still in pain. Around this time I was diagnosed with a panic disorder and my regular doctor put me on Effexor (anti anxiety and depression) ever since I started taking it I feel 100x's better!!! I still get cramps but nothing like they used to be (no more puking in the toilet because of the pain) I really believe our minds can cause us to be physically sick. So maybe for some, a anti-anxiety/depression med could really help.
Now, I just went off the pill a month ago because I really think it's the cause of a lot of my weight gain. My question is: how long do you think it will take to see some of this weight come off?, and how long before my moods regulate? I seem to be very "roller-coastery" since I went off it, especially the first week!!
Thank you to all who contributed to this post, it was all helpful! Us girls gots to stick together!!!!
I started getting really painful periods and very heavy bleeding a few years ago. I have been on so many different pills and they all seemed to either make my face break out horribly (even Ortho) or I felt like I was gaining alot of weight. My gyno basically told me that the pill does NOT make you gain weight, you know what after reading these threads I realize I was right he was wrong. I had a laproscoprosy (sp?) and they only found a cyst no endo whatsoever but I was still in pain. Around this time I was diagnosed with a panic disorder and my regular doctor put me on Effexor (anti anxiety and depression) ever since I started taking it I feel 100x's better!!! I still get cramps but nothing like they used to be (no more puking in the toilet because of the pain) I really believe our minds can cause us to be physically sick. So maybe for some, a anti-anxiety/depression med could really help.
Now, I just went off the pill a month ago because I really think it's the cause of a lot of my weight gain. My question is: how long do you think it will take to see some of this weight come off?, and how long before my moods regulate? I seem to be very "roller-coastery" since I went off it, especially the first week!!

Thank you to all who contributed to this post, it was all helpful! Us girls gots to stick together!!!!