Well I can't imagine putting hormones in my body for recreational purposes (BC or AAS or whatever). So naturally I went for an IUCD when birth control was an issue for me (mini copper 7). Lack of child birth should not be an issue. There is some concern that IUCDs use is associated with a greater risk of infertility, but just go into your GP/Gyno with guns blazing and tell them "there's no way in hell I'll ever want children, and you've got no business messing with my hormones". Multiple partners are the other problem that concerns gynos, but you just lie to them and tell them you are in a life-long stable relationship (that's only a lie if you don't believe it), then they can usually be persuaded. My advice is to use a condom as well. To put it bluntly, your partner can, and often does (statistically), cheat on ya and you don't really need an STD on top of everything else. I also don't consider 99% effective to be that good. It means one women in every hundred will fall pregnant each year! That means over 20 years you have a 20% chance of getting pregnant! A condom plus an IUCD puts your chances of STDs plus pregancy to nearly 0%, and the main complication is menstrual cramping.
Beats taking a fat-gain pill every day...........