Elite Bodybuilder
Yes. Maybe later. Actually, I forgot to mention might be to your advantage to do some really heavy rack lockouts....on both 495 and 505 that seemed to be your sticking point just above the knees
505 would've been a good lift. Except I became a homo. I kept thinking "Just give isn't a good day"
Blah....Stupidity at it's ultimate.
This week has been a hell hole for me in terms of shit happening in my life however that was a pathetic excuse.
After The Singles Scene is done I might do that. But I will most probably work within a weight range and own it....I don't like rackpulls very much. Some people can really benefit from them. For me, I will always end up pulling lighter weights with rackpulls. It's weird but at the same time it's not. You that point - around the knee is when the weight is furthest from your body so you have the least leverage - which is why rack pulls are a great exercise. But they would only help if I am able to lift a heavier weight on them. Otherwise it's the same as just doing a regular DL. You know what I mean? Let me see....I always keep my options know that. Right now we have another 2-3 weeks of The Singles Scene left.