abolish the weak
New member
So I decided whats wrong w/ almost every amateur contest. The guys come in too damn depleted and look flatter than they do ripped. My show is 13 days out, and i felt as if I need to make some adjustments in order to maintain a hard/full look. #1 adjustment- lowered water intake to 1 gal/day instead of 1.5-2. Why? I dont want my body flushing out things it needs at this point. I'm trying to keep the minerals and nutrients right now. Fat loss is no longer a concern as at this point its too taxing to muscle. I will raise water only the last 2-3 days b4 the water drop. #2- cardio is no longer 2 consecutive days. No sir, eod however longer sessions(60-90 minutes) I feel that eod will give me a chance to replenish myself and keep from getting stringy looking. #3- carbs upped from 150 grams/day to 200-250 grams/day. I'm shredded enough, if the show was tomm I would be fine, no reason to lose anything else at this point other than last min water. Upping the carbs 50-100 grams/day and relying on the cardio 3x/wk to keep anything extra off me, still cutting carbs at 3-4pm most days so no chance of spilling over at night. #4- sirloin steak eod at least, need the iron from the red meat to stay full and pumped. Hell, today I even had a shake w/ a banana in it after my workout, something I've NEVER done this close to a show b4. And I look much better, fuck i think I almost diet too hard when I get this close and it fucks me. So screw it, just holding on for another wk or so b4 a 2 day carb depletion followed by a carb load, anadrol load, and dyazides. Boo yah