Mystic3...what is your goal? I read that you want to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time; I get that. What I want to know is your agenda. Are you looking to compete? If so, what area of the sport? Fitness? Figure? BB? PL? Just want to be the hottest chick on the beach this summer? Just wondering what the motive is...may be useful in deciding what direction to go.
Temple's right...different strokes for different folks.
Daisy said she was wanting to do nandro-prop with var, then you asked about deca. Deca is nandrolone. Nandrolone prop is a 3-4 day ester of nandrolone, and deca is a 7-10 day ester (we could debate these half lives all day, but I think you see my point). So, in other words, if you can take one nandro with var, of course you can take another nandro with var....BUT...please take one or the other first. That's just smart. You can always add it in later. I think var and nandroprop are two of the best for women. Problem is in finding nandro-prop. Also, if you're a competitive athlete, and are in a tested comp, nanadrolone will test positive for 18 more thing to consider.
I would really like more history...where you've been, what you've been doing, where you're going, etc. Most people I know don't need AS. I have been using 5mg a day of var for my shoulder, and only for about 6-8 weeks. Prior to that, the only cycle I've completed was test over 1 1/2 years ago. In the last 10 months, I've added 20+ pounds of muscle, and over 600 pounds to my lifts, clean. I'm not knocking AS use by ANY stretch, but a little goes a long way....a great diet and proper training go even further.