New member
This is the actual cycle from a Powerlifter used to break the World Record in the WPC 3 years ago.
DO NOT ATTEMPT. Hope you guys enjoy.
Cycle from his Journal:
Weeks 1-3 1600mg/ Week T-400(GenevaPharm)
Weeks 3-8 2000 mgs per week Test Cypionate(GenevaPharm)
Week 8-13 50mgs Winstrol Daily(Upjohn) + 100mgs Daily of Testosterone Suspension(Steris)
Training leading up to the World Record
Squat – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 307kgs(675lbs)
Bench – 55%x5, 65×5%, 75%x5 using 170kg(374 lbs)
Assistance work
Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 368kgs(810 lbs)
Bench Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 185kgs(405 lbs)
Assistance work
Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 200ks(440 lbs)
Squat – 55%x5, 65%x5, 75%x5 Based on Max of(675lbs)
Assistance work
Totals from Event Day - Omitted at his request, but it's approaching a 2000lb total!!!!!
Notes from Our Conversation:
1.This is for educational purposes only. Do Not attempt this.
2.The record has since been broken
3.At the request of the individual, I've Omitted his weight class, and Record Poundage to protect his identity, but left the training poundage's and cycle EXACTLY as they were from his training journal.
I clarified what was meant by "Assistance Work", and he said, compound movements such as Chins, Dips, Barbell Curls, and Leg Raises. He also said on Non-Powerlifting days he did Band Work. Band work is just much lighter weights combined with resistance bands to change the power curve during the point of max resistance.
A picture from our meeting
And Lastly - I've personally seen this person attempt an 800lb squat. He missed, but next set hit a 765 squat with success.
DO NOT ATTEMPT. Hope you guys enjoy.
Cycle from his Journal:
Weeks 1-3 1600mg/ Week T-400(GenevaPharm)
Weeks 3-8 2000 mgs per week Test Cypionate(GenevaPharm)
Week 8-13 50mgs Winstrol Daily(Upjohn) + 100mgs Daily of Testosterone Suspension(Steris)
Training leading up to the World Record
Squat – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 307kgs(675lbs)
Bench – 55%x5, 65×5%, 75%x5 using 170kg(374 lbs)
Assistance work
Deadlift – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 368kgs(810 lbs)
Bench Press – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 185kgs(405 lbs)
Assistance work
Bench – 5/3/1 sets/reps Working up to 200ks(440 lbs)
Squat – 55%x5, 65%x5, 75%x5 Based on Max of(675lbs)
Assistance work
Totals from Event Day - Omitted at his request, but it's approaching a 2000lb total!!!!!
Notes from Our Conversation:
1.This is for educational purposes only. Do Not attempt this.
2.The record has since been broken
3.At the request of the individual, I've Omitted his weight class, and Record Poundage to protect his identity, but left the training poundage's and cycle EXACTLY as they were from his training journal.
I clarified what was meant by "Assistance Work", and he said, compound movements such as Chins, Dips, Barbell Curls, and Leg Raises. He also said on Non-Powerlifting days he did Band Work. Band work is just much lighter weights combined with resistance bands to change the power curve during the point of max resistance.
A picture from our meeting
And Lastly - I've personally seen this person attempt an 800lb squat. He missed, but next set hit a 765 squat with success.
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