New member
Stats - 20yo, 5"8(174cm), 180lbs (82kgs), approx 20-22% body fat. Lifting on and off for about 3 years.
1rms bench-110kg squat-140kg dead-210kg
Running 100mg test prop and NPP eod stopping NPP two weeks short. I also have roughly 15-20 25mcg t3 tablets my housemate is giving me.
1600cal a day, hitting 180grams of protein then making the rest of calories up with fats. Once a week will be a carb up / very low fat day. Also this will be IF feeding. Midday -8pm
Mon - chest biceps
Tuesday shoulder triceps
Wednesday back
Friday legs
Saturday - re hit whatever I feel lacked from the week. Usually shoulders and triceps
Cardio is only on Saturday and Sunday where I do HIIT on a bike. I am thinking of adding 45-60 mins a day LISS to the mix though.
1rms bench-110kg squat-140kg dead-210kg
Running 100mg test prop and NPP eod stopping NPP two weeks short. I also have roughly 15-20 25mcg t3 tablets my housemate is giving me.
1600cal a day, hitting 180grams of protein then making the rest of calories up with fats. Once a week will be a carb up / very low fat day. Also this will be IF feeding. Midday -8pm
Mon - chest biceps
Tuesday shoulder triceps
Wednesday back
Friday legs
Saturday - re hit whatever I feel lacked from the week. Usually shoulders and triceps
Cardio is only on Saturday and Sunday where I do HIIT on a bike. I am thinking of adding 45-60 mins a day LISS to the mix though.