Had a great back and cardio session. My endurance and speed went up on cardio before and after my workout.
30 mins jogging treadmill. Increased speed slightly from last week.
- ISO low row machine isolation 240lbs 3x12 up in reps
- Behind the back shrugs 175lbs 4x14 up in reps
- Isolated modified seated lat pulls 50lbs up 10lbs 3x12
- Ez bar wide grip curls 50lbs 4x15 up in reps
- Chest supported tbar rows trap grip 105lbs 4x15 up in reps
- Isolated lat pulls iso high row 50lbs 3x12
- Hammer curls 35lbs 3x27 up in reps
30 mins incline treadmill moderate speed. Went up in incline this week.