fawnmarie said:
I know of half a dozen ways to increase it naturally, but having FMS and being over 35, I'm bound to be an underproducer anyway. They haven't approved medically supervised injections (which I might be able to handle) for FMS patients yet (though they are testing it), and it's likely not to be approved by the cheap-ass HMO's anyway....
so... looking for alternatives to injectibles if available and worth the money.
i am not familiar with FMS, however doctors do prescribe gh to patients that are deficient.. There are also "Life Extension" facilities that specialize in complete hormone replacement therapy. Anyone can qualify for this...
The ideas behind all the gh supplements on the market now- adays are to bascially stimulate your pituitary gland to produce more gh... Whether or not it truly works is left to be seen, but the concept is grand.
Honestly, my mother is using gh.. she is 57 and is a complete baby when it comes to needles... I helped her do her first shot and she realized she was being a wimp over nothing LOL I even got her the Norditropin that has the pen... It is similar to the cool click and is so easy to use.. great for kids too!!!
honestly, the slin pins are so damn sharp and small, you barely feel anything... So if you really feel gh will help you and you want to try it, don't let something like a little needle fear stop you... The benefits definitely outweigh the cons...
And i am sorry if i offended you before, it was not meant to be rude

i thought your statement was cute so i was trying to make light of it...
That book you are talking about "Natural Hormone Enhancement" it is pretty cool actually, but like anything else, you must make a life adjustment in order to control "optimal" natural releasing times... it gets a bit tedious, but can be done...
-For example....The carbs before bed are great to produce gh, however if you are trying to get lean and burn fat, they are not the best thing to do prior to going to sleep.... Plus protein prior to bed helps for a better rest and to keep the body a bit more anabolic... so it gets tough to try to stimulate your natural production by carb manipulation...
but other than the possible "pro" gh on the market and real HRT gh, there are not too many options...