Alot of details are posted on my previouse post but here are some basics if it is the first time you seen these.
Week 1 186 lbs (5'10")
Week 4 205 lbs
First 4 weeks were 5x5 with 3 second esentric movments. Next 4 weeks is 5x5 with explosive movements. yes.. I like 5x5
4000 calories a day (but i totally fucked up week 3 where I was getting 2-2.5k if I was lucky) I should have been a good 5-10 lbs heavier if I ate right.... one week of farking up 5-10lbs of muscle in the trash... makes me wanna cry.
Including the week I farked up I have put on a total of 20 lbs some muscle some fat but the vast majority is muscle. If you look at all my pics I have not got any fatter hehe.
Anyway, if you have any questions let me know.. and NO no wheels till the end (I take my sust in my legs so.. well.. it is a tad to much pain at the start so they look like shit till 2 more weeks.)
Keep in mind these are taken with a shitty video cam with bad lighting. I'll take some pics outside for week 5 if I can.