So I’m running low on cardarine and cardazol. Can I run them both while on cycle for recomp or bulking? My 2 month mark on my cut is coming up. So debating whether to continue to cut for another month, recomp, or bulk and go back on gear.
Today was back and cardio
30 min jogging treadmill increased speed this week
- ISO low row machine isolation 230lbs 3x15 up in reps
- Behind the back shrugs 175lbs up 10lbs 4x8
- Isolated modified seated lat pulls 30lbs 3x12
- Wide grip preacher curls (short head) 105lbs 3x15 up in reps
- Chest supported tbar rows trap grip 105lbs up 5lbs 3x10
- Isolated lat pulls iso high row 45lbs 3x15
- Hammer curls 30lbs 3x30 up in reps
Incline treadmill moderate speed 30 mins post workout. Increased incline this week. Endurance def went up.