for food I think part of my problem is I wake up at 5-530 and go straight to the gym (my basement) LOL
This morning I followed your lead bu24 and had a banana pre wo. From now on if it makes sense Ill do a banana and apple pre wo. Can I get right into the wo after eating those snacks or should I wait .5 hr?
Im thinking after my 8 hr fast (sleeping) I dont have all the energy to push it- for a while I did night workouts and I hit all PR on the big 3 lifts but I just can't be consistant after work so 5-530 AM is it. Plus I go to night school this fall.
todays food looked like this
0530 - banana
0700 - prot shake / 2 tbsp natty PB
1000 banana / mojo bar
1300 - 5.2 oz light tuna in water 1 mayo packet, 2 mustard packets
1500 - mixed nuts (almonds, peanuts, pistachios)
1800 - dinner ??? sumthin good
2100 - snack , maybe protein shake or protein shot
as of 1:51 EST I am at a 38 C- 34 P - 28 F breakdown @ 1155 calories -> by the end of the day I should be at 2100 calories
Zed - as for the sawhorses I moved the safety pins to the back of my rack on my set. They are angled the wrong way but as long as Im careful its all good - prob still look into the saw horses just in case LOL