Re: Refeeds & Pre/Post workout meal on ANPB diet
I'm on the first day of your PB Diet and so far so good. I eat about 17g of anpb every 2 hours along with a small protein only shake.
What should I eat pre-workout? I usually eat a 300cals protein bar which is very tasty for me (keeps me sane). it contains 30g protein, 7g fat and 29g carbs(11g sugrars).
you can combine two meals of ANPB+protein for the preworkout, but you'd have to skip one before, or you can just stick to the same meals as usual
Post-workout during cutting I just immediately eat a protein drink (45g protein isolate, 0g carbs, 0g fat). And after about 90min I would either have a protein shake by itself or may pop r-ALA and have some carbs (usually just about 20g of carbs). I prefer not to use Carbs post workout shake in order for not to stop the lipolisys by raising insulin levels.
that should not be a problem; this diet has very little carbs and ANPB is not considered a carb-related food, should be a problem
Refeeds Is once a week too much? noDo you suggest upping the cals on this day, by say 500 ? if calories are an issue for you, you can go weight x 12 +10% of bmrWould you include complex carb only? 2-3meals high-gi, 2-3meals lowgi