Sunday 9th March
Chest & shoulders
Note - No warm ups today coz I'm pressed for time just a few warm up sets on peck deck
Peck deck fly
4 sets of 60kg x 12 3111 tempo
Incline DB press 2111 tempo
1) 37.5kg x 10
2) 37.5kg x 10
3) 35kg x 10
Decline cable fly
1) 15kg x 15
2) 20kg x 15
3) 25kg x 15
4) 25kg x 15
Shoulder press machine triple drop set 10/10/10
1) 87.5kg > 87.5kg > 87.5kg
2) 100kg > 87.5kg > 87.5kg
3) 112.5kg > 100kg > 87.5kg
4) 112.5kg > 100kg > 87.5kg
DB side laterals
3 sets of 12.5s x 15 per side
4 sets of 10s x 15 per side
Extra notes - feeling incredible. I believe it's the 100mg weekly of NPP that's created a drastic change to how I'm feeling.
First visit completed to get my legs in check. I was told my legs are not in good shape at all. Alot of imbalances due to tightness and locked muscles. Quads hams hips groin have all been worked on. Few photos and videos attached. Second visit in 7 days. Will be getting on top of this and also get some rehab exercises after next visit.