Rep Range
I have worked out my perfect split, nicked it from Uncle Dorian
Monday - Chest and Bis
Tuesday - Legs and Calves
Wed - Off or cardio and forearms and abs (not sure about this yet)
Thurs- Back
Friday - OFF or Shoulders, Tris and Abs
Sat- Shoulders, Tris and Abs
Today was chest day, I did have a blonde moment and we ended up doing chest and tris (old habits die hard)
Rep range has a particular lifting tempo, so 2 sec on negative, 1 sec SQUEEZE on peak contraction
Incline Dumbell Press
10 kg/22 lb x 20 (warm-up)
16 kg/35lbs x 10
18 kg/40 lb x 10/8
Flat Bench Press - Olympic Bar
40 kg/88 lb x 8/7/8
Dumbell Flys
10 kg/22 lbs x 14/13
Weighted Dips
5 kg/11 lb x 7/7/6 (these were TOUGH after chest, defo not doing this pattern again
Pushdowns - Cable with 'V' bar
40 kg/88 lb x 12/12
Dumbell Kickbacks
6 kg/11 lb x 15/15
These I gave a slight flick out on the contraction, it was GREAT which hit the long arm of the tricep (that's the bingo wing area ladies, I highly recommend you try this)
I also met with my new coach last night, and I am going to meet him to work out my new diet plan for next year.
I have also told him I will not post a lot of his 'comp prep' secrets on-line, so I may not be doing a comp prep thread per se..........
Had a cheat meal last night after the BBing comp, one of my sometimes training partners is 19 (and so is his GF and mate) and they wanted MacDonalds (he is wondering why he is getting a bit chubby around his mid-section, DOH) and there was also a Pizza Hut.
I was not going to waste my cheat meal on rubbish food like that, but there was a small independent pizza place across the street, and I had a pepperoni pizza (about the only time I will eat pork) and it was YUM.
Also over my carb-phobia, I was off today, so I had double oats brekkie, and tonight after training, I had some pasta.
It is a bit shocking how quickly the carbs add up with pasta though...........
30 g pasta
kcals 104
protein 4.4 g
carbs 30 g
fat 0.6 g
50 g smoked tofu
kcals 97.5
protein 10 g
carbs 1.5 g
fat 5.7 g
250 g of steamed brocolli
kcals 90
protein 7.8 g
carbs 3.2 g
fat 2.0 g
25 g veggie red pesto
kcals 88
protein 0.9 g
carbs 1.5 g
fat 8.7
kcals 380
protein 23.1 g
carbs 36.2 g
fat 17 g (a bit high, oops

macronutrient ratios
protein = 92.4 kcals = 24%
carbs = 145 kcals = 38 %
fat = 153 kcals = 40 %
This is interesting ratios, cause I think it fits in with the natural hormonal enhancement ratios, where you rotate the carbs and protein around the fat, meaning the level of fat stays the same, and you either have high carbs or high protein.
I am going to be eating foods I normally wouldn't eat, like pasta and dairy this month, cause I will be dieting most of next year..........