im only 160 lb and sweat alot. i sweat when im eating and even if i think about lifting. loose fitting cotton shirts and absolutely no polyester. that nike dri-fit stuff makes you sweat even worse than a normal shirt if you ask me. loose underwear to keep balls cool and reduce swamp ass by 26.666%
Haha i sweat all year round. All my shirts are colors that sweat can't be seen through. Hell, people always ask why i'm sweating so much, i just laugh and think of a stupid response.
It went from like 50 degrees here to 88 in the last week, summer just fuckin kicked in and my parents turned on the AC only to find that it was broke, so now i gotta sit around in my boxers with swamp ass for 2 weeks....What deodorant is the best for stoppin the pit faucets.??????????????????