Tren helps you get the most out of what you consume. I have never ran Superdrol, will be giving it a try soon, but from what I have read it puts on a huge amount of mass on you in a short time.. for it to do this, you have to feed it. So with tren and superdrol in the same cycle.. I think it will be very important to keep your carbs somewhat elevated to get the most of the compounds. Tren is great for changing someones body competition. Up until my last cycle.. all of my goals were to recomp, never really straight up had a bulking cycle. This past winter I bulked for the first time on cycle.. using 500 mg a week of test sust, 150 mg eod of tren ace, kickstarted with dbol. I went from being 6'1 190 at very low body fat, around 6-7%. To being 6-1 220 at around 10% body fat. And when I say I bulked.. I mean it. At the end of the cycle.. I was up to over 5000 calories a day and 500-600 grams of carbs per day on gym days. I gained an incredible amount of size and stayed lean at the same time. Honestly.. I was hitting up a Chinese Buffet or Mongolian BBQ 3-4 a week, just begging to get fat. And I couldn't. Just eat the carbs around the time when you most need them. At breakfast and Post workout. 300 grams per day is a good starting point in my opinion, and you can adjust it from there once you see how you are reacting.