New member
I have been doing the CKD bulk for a whilw now and do get the bloat for a few days after the 36 hour carb up. The bloat is in my belly. This past weekend I only had 100 grams of glycoload after the brutal leg workout and the other 12 meals were sweet potatoes,rice,oats,oat bran and potatoes. Will the low sugar intake hurt me with my gains while bulking or are carbs carbs as far as muscle building goes. I mean I had about 1200 grams of carbs,100 fat and about 300 protein from Friday night through Satruday night, that is not including the 250 gram carb load on Wednsday before my back/bi workout. Oh yeh, it says to have high glycemic carbs on the wednsday refeed, would it hurt this week to just have rice and potatoes. I seem to get tired after the pacncakes and glycolaod. Thanks for the ear.