God I felt like dog shit today at work.
Woke up this morning feeling ok. Got my usual venti mocha from Starbucks(I know what good coffee is, but I like the bucks mocha best). Got to work and had to shovel full and then carry 2-full 5 gallon buckets of drain rock over crap terrain for 50 feet and then climb up a ladder with one at a time. Repeat about 15x. While being fairly strenuous work, it's nothing that wouldn't usually bother me. But, I felt fucked up. Had hurt, heart was beating too fast. Was fatigued. I get the feeling that the new girl this morning accidentally gave me an extra shot or something because the symptoms along with the work felt like too much caffeine.
Then I dropped and until lunch time was not worth a damn. Then had a great lunch courtesy of the boss and then all was right as rain. Killed it pretty good in the gym.
Switched it up abit today and got some stares. Fuckin Gold's Gym lol.
seated DB press 35'sx5, 45'sx5, 50'sx5, 55'sx5, 60'sx9-10
stading DB press 65'sx1, 70'sx1, tried to C+J the 75's. Could not balance them properly. Outta practice. Weight felt np, but I kept losin control of them on the jerk. The force was not with me on these so I moved on.
one arm lateral 22.5x9 each arm, front lateral same for 9
One arm DB snatch(these got some stares) 60x1, 65x1, 70x1, 75x1, 80x1, 85x1, 90x1, 95x1, 100x1, 105x1 actually got both sides up on this last set although the left arm was ugly
Dumbell stiff-legged deadlift 125's x6, godamn grip is always the limiter on these so I got pissed and went to the car to get some straps. 125's x11
cable row 120x5, 135x5, 150x5, 165x5, 180x5
Calf raise machine. Don't know what the weight was as I was working in with 2 guys and the markings were barely visible. Just used what they used. It was fairly heavy so I did some stretch holds, contracted holds and lil partials to up the intensity. 2 sets got them good. Prolly gonna feel this tomorrow though my whole back is gonna feel it.
Basically I trashed my back in the gym and had a good time doing it.