Weight - 223.2 pounds (+11)
Today is my birthday, spending it with my woman. I will post my workout a bit later.
The weight is just coming on. I don't think too much is fat or water to be honest. I will post pics next week again. Still very vascular and have abs so what the hell I will just keep gaining. I want to push it to 240 and if I am still lean enough I will push my weight into the 250 range. That would be a crazy increase but I know all the extra weight will really allow my strength to reach a new level. I have not noticed any crazy increase in strength but just a steady boost from the test. I will start training very heavy in two weeks. I really want a seven plate dead or 675 pounds which I feel is achievable this cycle. It is a 90 pound increase over my all time max.
Just curious since this is only day eleven of my cycle, when do most of you who have run prop notice it really working? I know a lot of guys have told me with test e its around week 5 or 6 and some guys have told me you really feel prop after week 2. Any input?
Also the limp dick issue... Does anyone's shit stop working as good on a test only cycle?
Other than that I feel amazing. No real negative sides at this dose. Just easy weight gain and steady strength. I little more aggressive also but this helps in the gym.