I am preceding the start by 1-1.5 months with diet first. Here are my current stats
Measurements Cold
3/8/2011 Jean size 32
Weight 217 (dressed, sneakers, jeans, t-shirt)
Shoulders 53in
Chest 46in
Waist (around navel) 36in
Right Thigh 26in
Right Calf 15.75in
Left Thigh 26in
Left Calf 15.75in
Right Bicep 17.5in
Right forearm 14in
Left Bicep 17.375in
Left forearm 14in
Neck 18.5in
Skin Thickness, mm
Back (subscapular) 15
Chest/upper 2.5
Chest/Lower 5
Side of Navel (Abdomninal) 12
Bicep 2
Tricep 2.75
Thigh 4.5
Upper Ab 8
Lower Back 15
Suprailiac 3
Midaxillary 3.5
Body fat based on the following sight:
Body Fat Calculator 6 formulas to calculate body fat percentage (7 measurement)
17.2 lbs of body fat
199.8 lbs of lean muscle
age 46.
Last September I was at the following:
Chest 7 mm
Thigh 7.5mm
Stomach 35mm
body fat 16.63%
39.58 lbs body fat
198.42 lbs lean muscle
Measurements of bf from same site.
I essentially lost no lean muscle mass and lost 22.38 pounds of body fat. I kept all of my size.
I plan to get down to 4% or less this go around and compete at 190-195.
Will keep journal up on a bi-weekly basies (every two weeks at least) with measurements.
Measurements Cold
3/8/2011 Jean size 32
Weight 217 (dressed, sneakers, jeans, t-shirt)
Shoulders 53in
Chest 46in
Waist (around navel) 36in
Right Thigh 26in
Right Calf 15.75in
Left Thigh 26in
Left Calf 15.75in
Right Bicep 17.5in
Right forearm 14in
Left Bicep 17.375in
Left forearm 14in
Neck 18.5in
Skin Thickness, mm
Back (subscapular) 15
Chest/upper 2.5
Chest/Lower 5
Side of Navel (Abdomninal) 12
Bicep 2
Tricep 2.75
Thigh 4.5
Upper Ab 8
Lower Back 15
Suprailiac 3
Midaxillary 3.5
Body fat based on the following sight:
Body Fat Calculator 6 formulas to calculate body fat percentage (7 measurement)
17.2 lbs of body fat
199.8 lbs of lean muscle
age 46.
Last September I was at the following:
Chest 7 mm
Thigh 7.5mm
Stomach 35mm
body fat 16.63%
39.58 lbs body fat
198.42 lbs lean muscle
Measurements of bf from same site.
I essentially lost no lean muscle mass and lost 22.38 pounds of body fat. I kept all of my size.
I plan to get down to 4% or less this go around and compete at 190-195.
Will keep journal up on a bi-weekly basies (every two weeks at least) with measurements.