Watch doing low reps with heavy weight for a little longer
Yes I agree.
I did this with a spotter strictly to watch me. He and I both knew if I had any hesitation I would bail out.
This was a goal I had set and wanted to try when fresh and fully warmed up.
Now I will drop back to about the sixty mark and work on endurance and mind muscle.
I have a goal of 100 lb dumbells by my 59th birthday mid June. That would be huge for me.
Yesterday had a great low-mid back day.
Also tried some neutral grip pull ups.
I got 2 sets of 7.
For me that is great. Pull ups are big weakness of mine.
Always keep in mind we all have different skill levels.
Great for me some you guys make look easy.
I am comfortable in my abilities.
I work out with all kinds of folks in my gym.
The work out communities are great folks.
Yes there are some gym dicks out there. I do not waste any of my effort on those.
They are a small percentage.
The rest of everyone is wonderful to be around!!!
Ya’ll stay strong.