Saturday, October 21, 2006
***Well well well... was struggling all through yesterdays workouts although my weights did go up in all exercises, and then judging by the soreness today I guess it was a pretty good workout after all. Hmmm, although someone thinks I should've been doing more... thats all my fault though like stated before my calories were a little low on Thursday and I felt it alllll through the workout Friday night. TOnights workout however was another GREAT one,
at least IMO as allllll of my weights continue to keep on increasing!!! Got some good stretching in afterwards too, especially since I used the foam rollers on my quads, and really focused on the knots in my right one that keep bugging me during my quad workouts
m1: 1 cup shredded wheat, 1 scoop protein
m2: 1 oz almonds
m3: Rasberry chicken salad (5 oz chicken, spring mix, strawberries, diced pecans)
m4: 2 scoops protein, 1 scoop powerade, 1 scoop NO2
GYM!!!!! Shoulders and abs...
m5: 2 scoops protein, 1 tsp glutamine, 1 tsp creatine, 1 scoop protein
m6: Omellete (4 oz chicken, 3/4 cup egg whites
m7: 1 scoop protein, 3 tbl Power Butter, 1/2 protein bar