New member
sbt2082 said:Friday, August 18, 2006
Well its official, my books and info arrived yesterday, so I gotta start studying then on Sept. 1st I'll take my PT (personal trainer) certification exam
7:00 a.m.
5 min treadmill (incline 10.0/speed 4.0)
20 min step mill (fat burn program- drop sets 20-30 sec/14-30 sec/8-60 sec)
10 min cross trainer (highest incline/resistance 10.0)
8:00 a.m.
Pre WO Shake:
-1 small diced apple
-1 scoop vanilla protein
-1/4 cup oats
-1 tsp glutamine
8:30 a.m.
Chest: Incline DB Flies (12 x 20 lbs) x 5
Triceps: Overhead rope ext (12 x 50 lbs) x 1 (12 x 60 lbs) x 2 (12 x 70 lbs) x 1
Chest: Decline Bench press (12 x 65 lbs) x 5
Triceps: Assisted Dips (12 x 50 lbs) x 3 (12 x 40 lbs) x 1
Chest: Push ups (15) x 5
Triceps: DB kickbacks (12 x 15 lbs) x 4
10:20 a.m.
PWO SHake:
-6 oz gatorade
-1/4 cup blueberries
-1 scoop protein
-1 tsp glutamine
Your going to do awesome with the PT stuff! Have a great weekend!