God I cant' believe how fast time flies.
Was supposed to meet my trainer at noon, but he had called to say he had gotten sick this morning, so i just went myself.
Meal 1: 11 am
4 oz chicken
1/2 grapfruit
Meal 2: 2 pm
4 oz ground bison
2 egg whites
1 c spinach
low carb tortilla -- saw them at teh store, had to try them!
Meal 3: 5 pm
4 oz chicken
Meal 4: 8 pm
4 oz salmon tataki
sliced carrots / spinach
Meal 5: tbd
Training: chest & tris - also used my resistance bands for lifting today
- 5 min bike (nasty blood blister on my left foot --- no standing cardio for awhile)
- incline db presses + flyes: 15 + band/20 + 15 + band/20 x 3
- flat bench press: bar (narrow grip)/15 + (mid grip)/15 + (wide grip)/15 + (mid grip)/15 + (narrow grip)/15
- flat bench press: bar + band/20 x 3
- seated cable flyes: 20/15 x 3
- hammer strength low chest press: 35/15 x 3
- superset: ez bar skull crushers + overhead pulls + close grip press: 30/15+15+15 x 3
- DB tricep kickbacks (palm up + palm down): 10/20 x 3
- DB overhead cable extensions: 40/15 x 3
- 60 min cardio (steady state): recumbant bike
The best part about today was that I felt that great relaxed exhaustion all day after training. The only stinker is when I went shopping, every time I went to kneel down, my knees crack all the way down & all the way back up. Didn't hurt, just made a lot of noise.