okay guys - worked with AM tonight -
First I ran two miles in about 15 minutes. I was feeling good - so I ran fast
Did sets of 15, 12, 10, then 8 - abs and cardio in between each set different each time
This is what we (I) did: (I don't know the weight of the ball - maybe 8?)
-squats/jump thingy with medicine ball (squat then jump high - landing w/soft knees? - what do you call that? some sort of plyo squat)
-squat thrusts
-V squats (lunges) holding medicine ball in one arm out front each side
-Lat rows in plan position w/15's
-side plank (on hand not elbow) w/ shoulder press - 15lbs again
-abs round 1: reverse curl w/vertical thrusts at the top x 30
-abs round 2: full center crunch x 15/ obliques each side x 15
-abs round 3: stability ball held in between legs (straight not bent) reverse curls x 30
-abs round 4: I can't even freakin remember now
-cardio round 1: airdyne all out for .2 miles (takes to about a slow count of 40)
-cardio round 2: jump rope x 130
-cardio round 3: rowing machine for 250meters
-cardio round 4: Ran 1/4 mile on treadmill at 10mph (yes, that's right, 10mph)
I then somehow managed to put some jeans on and walk to my jeep - and then threw up outside of my jeep x 2 in the rain. Then sat in the jeep with my head on the steering wheel for about 5 minutes until I didn't feel dizzy anymore.
She wants me down to 50-60 carbs daily? Before noon. This scares the shit out of me. That's not much. Also, been holding steady about 100g of protein daily. She wants me at 150.
I am having a really really hard time recovering right now. Really shaky, really anxious. I ate a banana in the car and just ate a protein shake, and I know I need to a) eat more, and b) shower and get out of these wet clothes (it's raining cats and dogs) - but c) I can't get up