hey it was ME squat day for me i did chain suspended gms at 42 inches for the first time today. i got up to 235 for 1 that is funny because 2 weeks ago my max full gm was 225 i guess my stregnth has improved. after that i moved to pin pulls from knee hegiht. i did 385 for 6 then went for 405 a few weeks ago i barely repped one out. today i did 2 sets of 5 without letting go of bar between reps felt light. i guess adding the bands and chains in the past few weeks have really helped my explosiveness. i have also added concentric loading on squats. just like a chain suspened gm but off a box in squat form.
anyhow now for the fun part the prs were great but the best part was when a guy who works at the gym came over and told me i needed to stop doing pin pulls because i was going to break the bar hitting it on the pins with that kind of weight. i told him to get a stronger bar then and leave me alone. he was like u can do them off the floor i looked at him laughed and said do you know waht i am doing "i said pin pulls you know u pull off of a pin not off the ground" and again he said u can do it off the floor. i turned away picked up the bar and continued and ignored him and his ignorance. all an all a great day at the gym oh yeah and today was a cheat day on my diet i have been doing for 5 weeks no break maybve that is where the stregnth came from or maybe alittle of everything mixed.

anyhow now for the fun part the prs were great but the best part was when a guy who works at the gym came over and told me i needed to stop doing pin pulls because i was going to break the bar hitting it on the pins with that kind of weight. i told him to get a stronger bar then and leave me alone. he was like u can do them off the floor i looked at him laughed and said do you know waht i am doing "i said pin pulls you know u pull off of a pin not off the ground" and again he said u can do it off the floor. i turned away picked up the bar and continued and ignored him and his ignorance. all an all a great day at the gym oh yeah and today was a cheat day on my diet i have been doing for 5 weeks no break maybve that is where the stregnth came from or maybe alittle of everything mixed.