Sure IL, here is a typical week of WS
Monday (ME squat)
Goodmorning: work up to one rep max.
Box Squats 3 sets, 3 reps, 3 min rest
Reverse Hypers 3sets 10 reps, 2 min rest
Abs 4-6sets
Tuesday(DE bench)
Bench Press: 8 sets of 3 reps 55% of 1RM pause at bottom 1 min rest using 3 grips
Supported Incline Barbell Lat Row 3sets 3 reps 2 min rest
Lat Pull Down(bench plane) w/ blue band 3sets, 5 reps, 2 min rest
JM Press 5 sets, 3 reps + 2Negatives 2 min rest
Hang Snatch 3sets, 3 reps, 2 min rest
Thursday(DE squat)
Box Squat: 8 sets 2 reps 65% of 1RM 1 min rest
(6“)Low Box Squat 3 sets 3reps + drop set(3drops), 3 min rest
RDL + calf raise 3sets 3rep, 2 min rest
Glute Ham Raise 3 sets 4 reps, 1 min rest
Abs, 4 -6sets
Friday(ME bench)
1 Board Press: work up to one rep max
Barbell Row 5 sets 3 reps, 2 min rest
superset / Pull Ups
Speed Seated Overhead Press (50% 1RM..estimate) 6 sets 2 reps, 1 min rest
Close Grip Pin Press (few inches above chest) 5 sets 3reps, 2 min rest
I also have taekwondo on mondays and wednesdays, and until now have been doing Plyo's on wednesdays as well. I try to do like 10 mins of AR on tuesday/wednesday/thursday before WS.